(7/5/24) Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2024


  • Alex Karpov

  • Ben Hart

  • Douglas

  • Erik Skogsberg

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Karen Wickham

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Nigel Hemsley

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Sam Leathers

  • Silona Bonewald


1. Mission:

Foster a transparent, inclusive, and adaptable Roadmap roadmap for the decentralized development of Cardano open-source blockchain and maintain its competitiveness.

2. Goals:

  1. Vocabulary & Definitions: Standard Language, Vocabulary, Measures, Categories-of-item, and drivers

  2. Communication Plan: Clear Communication for Continuity Backlog to illustrate where it currently fits in the lifecycle Process and how it will evolve

  3. The Process:

    • Aggregate relevant (core infra) items from CIPS, CPS, SIGs, Intersect TWGs’ backlog and prioritize them for funding/development

    • Define tiers in the roadmap (defined, research-pending, poc ready, research paper)

  4. Vision: Create a clear map of current State and an open collaborative Journey Map for getting to future State with contributions from the rest of community

3. Others:

  • Backlog items proposed for prototyping through the skeleton framework

    1. LSM

    2. Leios

  • Backlog working group name to be confirmed

  • Concern: Should we replace the terminology “Roadmap” with “Cardano”

Action items

Last updated