(10/6/24) Meeting Minutes

June 10, 2024


  • Ben Hart

  • Sebastian Bode

  • Alex Karpov

  • Silona Bonewald

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Hwang HuongKet

  • Lorenzo Bruno

  • Christian Baderscher

  • Nicolas Biri


Old business

New business

  • Talking points discussion

Action items

Discussion Points
Notes/Action Items
Actions: Responsible/None
  1. Introduction & Quorum

Quorum achieved

  1. Approve the Agenda - Ben & Leonard

  1. Agenda is approved

  • Agenda approved through quorum

  1. Approve Minutes & Async Decisions - Hwang & Douglas

  1. Task list and update status reviewed as needed.

  2. Discord vote on comms message for dev update

  • Minutes approved through quorum.

  1. (Process Flow - Research) - Nikolai & Christian

  1. Nikolas and Christian (R&D IOG) - explained the process of how R&D is delivered in IOG.

  2. Research ends up in CIP as an output, helps disambiguate abstractions.

  3. Use CPS and TWG to initiate the problem and limitation is easy, but prioritizing them is the challenge.

  4. Scalability, tokenomics, incentive design - stability, transaction schemes, cryptographics, identity systems


  1. Process Flow - Additional

feedback and suggestions

  1. Draft process diagram presented, together with accompanying process flow SOP

Group to review the process flow and approve for publication 12/6/2024

  1. Review & Approve tabled items from previous week

  1. Glossary (Hwang, Silona, Santiago)

    • Other committee members will be added as contributors

    • Competing definitions will be labeled as such

  2. Internal Comms Plan (Eystein & Silona)

  3. External Comms Plan (Silona, Leonard, Chris (Open Source Working Group)

  4. Current State/Roadmap Items & 'Core Infrastructure' Definition presented to the group - Leonard & Hwang

  1. Glossary - approved by the wg

  2. Internal comms plan - approved by the group

  3. External comms plan - approved by the group

  4. Silona& Hwang - to discuss talking points and alignment with items lead (11/6)

  5. Roadmap - to be approved by group (12/6)

  6. Core Infra Definition - to be approved by group through Discord (12/6)

  1. Review Action Items & Owners

Commitments reviewed

  1. New Business

New business suggested for next session - Talking Points

  1. Silona to prepare talking points contents

Last updated