
Updated: 2 Sept 2024

Items on the triage have been reviewed by the CIR-WG and accepted to develop further through the process flow. Items in this list may require further input and/or wider discussion at TWG or SIGs as appropriate. From time to time the items on this list will be re-assessed to align with the evolving product direction.

OBL-1. Ouroboros Leios

Ouroboros Leios is a novel protocol extending Ouroboros Praos that aims at dramatically increasing the throughput of Cardano network. Leios is based on the key idea of input endorsers. Whereas in a classical blockchain, the blocks' body directly contains transactions, in Leios the blocks' body can also contain references to Endorser blocks which themselves contain references to so-called Input blocks containing the actual transactions. Those references are certified through a voting mechanism that guarantees a majority of validators agree on the content of Endorser blocks. By decoupling the logic of validating blocks' payload and extending the blockchain, and limiting the work needed to verify the chain, much higher throughput can be achieved and new use cases can be unlocked.

Simulating Leios is a critical precursor to subsequently implementing it because Leios aims to make full use of network bandwidth in a heterogeneous environment where input blocks, endorser blocks, votes, certificates are diffused in addition to the ordinary Ouroboros Praos traffic. Simulation will provide detailed statistics on Leios performance under normal conditions, during congestion, and in the face of adversarial activity. Formal methods are required to verify that the network simulations are faithful to the Leios protocol.


This item is pending validation of business benefits. A SIG is being set up to gather community input to articulate its value.




Target State

Prototyping Simulations, Formal specs

Definition of Done

Publish simulations, their source code, visualizations, and specifications for community and stakeholder use

Product Stage

Currently at SRL2 (Target to get to SRL5)

Functional Requirements

Implement multi-node simulations that are formally verified to be faithful to the Leios protocol; develop analysis and visualization tools to quantify Leios behavior and performance.

Non-functional Requirements

Simulations can be used interactively by the stakeholder community to study Leios.

External Dependencies


Communication Channel

Website, Github repository, Discord channel, video

Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing

Six months of 5 FTEs (1x Architect, 1x Formal Methods Engineer, 2x prototyping engineers, 0.5x Researcher, 0.5x Product Owner)

Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)

Not for this proof of concept

Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group

Consensus, Networking

Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion


Talking Points (Optional)

- Prerequisite to implementing Leios

- Builds engineering and business cases for Leios

- Lays groundwork for detailed formal specification of Leios in a (revised) CIP

OBP-1. Ouroboros Peras

Ouroboros Peras modifies the chain-selection rule to include the "boosting" of the dominant chain's blocks by a quorum of votes from periodic randomly-selected voting committees. It reduces the settlement time by orders of magnitude without weakening the existing security guarantees. It is compatible with and orthogonal to Leios and Genesis, and it only has a very minor impact on the resource consumption of block-producing nodes. It requires modification of the chain-selection rule, a small change the the CDDL of the block body, and the creation, transport, and verification of votes and the certificates that witness a quorum of votes. It adds several new protocol parameters.

Peras has synergies with Leios and other proposals that involve voting, certificates, or transport/storage of additional data beyond what Praos and Genesis already handle. The Peras task involves (a) implementing this protocol in the Haskell-based Cardano node, (b) providing node-oriented conformance tests (which are distinct from the already existing protocol-level conformance tests) so that non-Haskell nodes (in Rust, Go, etc.) can be verified, and (c) updating the relevant node documentation and specifications.

One of the key benefits is Peras will dramatically shorten the "settlement" or "finality" time for transactions, providing near-certainty within a couple of minutes regarding whether a block will forever remain on the main chain.


This item is pending validation of business benefits. A SIG is being set up to gather community input to articulate its value.




Target State


Definition of Done

Implementation + audit + testnet + hard fork

Product Stage

Currently at SRL 4 (prototyping, specification, formalization, and conformance testing already completed)

Service Level


Functional Requirements

Implement Peras protocol (described in CIP and research paper) in the Haskell-based Cardano node.

Non-functional Requirements

Implement a comprehensive, node-level conformance test suite usable by nodes written in any programming language; update node specifications and CDDL; benchmark node network usage to ensure that it increased by less than 20% due to Peras vote and certificate transport.

External Dependencies

Coordination and architectural coherence with work on other node developments such as Genesis, Leios, and Mithril.

Communication Channel

Web site, Discord channel, YouTube video, GitHub repository, blog posts

Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing

The development, testing, and documentation effort is approximately two person-years. (This estimate does not include ancillary activities like testnet operation.) However, there may be synergies with other items such as Leios, and leveraging those could reduce the combined level of effort.

Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group


Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion


Talking Points (Optional)

- High benefit (fast settlement) at low develoment cost and without compromises to security

- Synergies with Leios, Mithril, and Genesis

- Enables fast interoperability with partner chains and bridges

BAB-1. Marketplace application for Babel fees

For the purpose of allowing atomic swaps, DApp fee sponsorship, fee coverage, etc., a proposal is raised for ledger changes that (1) add new fields to Tx which allow a top-level tx to contain sub-txs (2) allow individual sub-txs to be unbalanced, and not provide their own collateral inputs or witnesses, but the full batch (top level+sub-txs) must be fully valid, i.e. is balanced, has collateral, etc. (3) showcase how this approach can be extended to other types of intent processing

There are multiple key benefits to this implementation, including (1) transactions can be unbalanced, which allows for performing implicit trades within batches (including covering each others' collateral, fees, minUTxO) (2) scripts can inspect other transactions in the same batch (3) allows deduplication of script and datum data across multiple transactions in one batch and (4) possibility of extension to other intents


This item is pending validation of business benefits. A SIG is being set up to gather community input to articulate its value.


Adoption/Traffic Management


Target State


Definition of Done

Done within Innovation = prototype built on ledger codebase + CIP, prototype build on Agda codebase (specification); done in production = implemented within a new era in the node + documentation

Product Stage

Prototype - with Test cases (though changes have been made since), specification

Service Level


Functional Requirements

new era defined for the node (including ledger, CLI, consensus, etc.), new Plutus version

Non-functional Requirements

documentation, conformance testing, unit testing, benchmarking

External Dependencies

Plutus, Dependency for adoption = community development of off-chain infrastructure for Babel fees service

Communication Channel


Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing


Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group


Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

IO Innovation

HYD-1. Hydra Development

There are various scopes that can be potentially developed for this item. Please follow this page and the Hydra working group for future updates to this item.

Interconnecting Hydra heads approaching the full heterogenous vision on scaling solutions for Cardano. By building a lightning-like system for processing payments off-chain at near zero cost and instant finality, we will enable several payment use cases and pave the way for generalized interconnection of Hydra heads isomorphic script execution across off-chain ledgers using Interhead Hydra.

The key benefits are (1) Payments of any fungible Cardano native asset unimpacted by L1 congestion (2) Re-usable payment channels for B2B, B2C and C2C micro-payments (3) Interoperability with Bitcoin Lightning (4) Near-zero cost, instant finality, and full security Cardano transactions processing for small groups of validators (Head protocol)


This item is pending community input to progress. Cardano members are encouraged to join the product SIGs to discuss development direction and user needs.


There is no decentralized future if it is not scalable enough.


Target State


Definition of Done


Product Stage


Service Level


Functional Requirements

- P2P Hydra node networking (also browser)

- HTLC and Adaptor signature swaps

- Keep ADA staked in Heads, Pledge usable as collateral

- Payment invoices and routing

- ...

Non-functional Requirements


External Dependencies


Communication Channel

Indicative Sizing

L + 30%

Context of Indicative Sizing

Current team size for 12 months + 30% for support, special projects

Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement

- New revenue stream for SPOs (running Hydra payment channel network nodes) and infrastructure projects like iagon

Feasibility Study Required?

Reviewing Working Group

Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

Trym Bruset (primary), Sebastian Nagel (secondary)

Talking Points (Optional)


TLM-1. Timeliness Market

Provides the ability to ensure the insertion of a transaction over a given (short) time frame into the chain with a high level of assurance irrespective of the load on the chain at that time

Key benefits are the assurance that key transactions occur in a given time frame - eg oracles for dApps, payments with real-world deadlines, etc


This item is pending validation of business benefits. A SIG is being set up to gather community input to articulate its value.


Need for assured insertion of transactions into the chain in a given timeframe - assurance known hours, days, weeks in advance; Existence of such assurance (and where a contractual commitment can be made - feasible in this approach) helps ameliorate risks inherent in various use cases of Cardano in dApps and other commercial processes.


Target State

Two possible targets: 1) changes to cardano-node (additional call in client-to-node API; minor change to mempool structure) or 2) which is (1) + initial activity to develop the "Cardano Timeliness Future Market"

Definition of Done

for (1) - code base updated, property tests written and integrated, regression testing completed

Product Stage


Service Level


Functional Requirements


Non-functional Requirements


External Dependencies

for (1) - none; for (2) - needs an appropriate ecosystem to evolve to create futures market

Communication Channel


Indicative Sizing

for (1): Development Effort: 4-6 person months (development and property tests); regression testing in addition to this

Context of Indicative Sizing

just (1); (2) would need different skills including indivdual to spearhead the market creation`

Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review

No change to security model - not needed

Code Audit

External audit not needed, internal auditing (as part of standard development process) along with suitable property coverage should be sufficient

Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?

No, the effort requirements are low, feasilblity study would probably represent as great an effort as low-level design and implementation

Reviewing Working Group

TBC, Network

Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

Neil Davies

Talking Points (Optional


PUW-1. Proof of Useful Work for Deep Learning

Use the training process of deep learning as “useful work” for validators to elect a block producer ensuring traceability of dataset and models trained, and obtained accuracy.

While PoW is secure, PoUW is a greener solution in which validators compute useful tasks instead of solving mathematical puzzles that have no other purpose than selecting a block producer




Innovation, Sustainability (ESG), Security (with Minotaur, a PartnerChain could leverage PoS & PoUW), Blockchain-based AI


Target State

From SRL2 (research paper) to SRL5. From BRL0 (concept in validation) to BRL4.

Definition of Done

Prototype(s), Simulations, Full specifications, Target Neural Networks models identified

Product Stage


Service Level


Functional Requirements

Demonstrate feasibility and total addressable market depending on which Neural Networks (RNN, CAN, LLM, SLM, etc.) can run in the constraints of the protocol

Non-functional Requirements

Identify the time/memory/computing/networking constraints of the protocol for Deep Learning models for the validators. Validate that models can be trained improving accuracy.

External Dependencies


Communication Channel

Website, Github repository, Discord channel, videos

Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing

1 year of formal methods, ML, prototyping, architecture, applied crypto engineers with support of researchers

Dependencies & Dependant

Might require cooperating with AI specialized companies as well as AI data providers/consumers

Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)

No, this is not intended for Cardano Mainnet, most likely PartnerChains

Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group


Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

Romain Pellerin (IOR)

Talking Points (Optional)

PoW is secure, PoUW is a greener solution for PoW in which you use computational power to serve useful tasks instead of solvin mathematical puzzles that have no other purpose then selecting a block producer

MTH-1. Mithril

Mithril is a stake-based multi-signature scheme that leverages the Cardano network to provide certified snapshots of all or part of the blockchain state. These snapshots are valuable for various use cases, including secure voting, data exchange, and synchronization between applications, sidechains, and light wallets.

The beta version of Mithril was successfully launched on the mainnet in July 2023, enabling faster bootstrapping of Cardano nodes. Since then, numerous improvements and optimizations have been made, enhancing the protocol’s functionality and robustness. While Mithril has reached a mature state, two critical areas require further development to ensure readiness for real-world use cases: decentralization and sustainability.

Use cases include: snapshotting / fast bootstrap, more secure light wallets, trustless bridges (related catalyst proposal)




  1. Scalability, Interoperability, Adoption

  2. Secure access to the Cardano blockchain traditionally requires running a full node, which demands significant resources. Mithril addresses this challenge by enhancing security for light clients. It provides efficient cryptographic proofs that allow lightweight clients to directly verify the validity of blockchain data without relying on third parties. This approach not only reduces the resource burden on users but also maintains high security standards, enabling broader participation and adoption across the Cardano ecosystem


Cardano Decentralised Message Queue

Target State


Definition of Done


Product Stage


Functional Requirements

Anybody can run an aggregator.

Non-functional Requirements

Fully decentralized and sustainable protocol, including an incentive model which ensure SPO participation.

External Dependencies

TxPipe to implement node-to-client mini-protocol in Pallas library

Communication Channel


Indicative Sizing

Large (For Network only) Full Solution = 5L + 1L Networking Team Support = 6L

Context of Indicative Sizing

Protocol maintenance and enhancements, decentralization of signer key registration and P2P signature broadcast, enabling multiple aggregators, design and implement an incentive model

Dependencies & Dependant


Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?

Yes, we have started with some of the feasibility studies but more will be required

Reviewing Working Group


Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

Reza Baram / Marcin Szamotulski

PAC-1. Partnerchains

Partner Chains toolkit empowers Cardano Stake Pool Operators (SPOs) to validate and produce blocks for specialized blockchains directly connected to Cardano. This enables SPOs to increase their earning potential while actively contributing to the expansion and diversification of the Cardano ecosystem. By introducing native cross-chain transaction capabilities, Partner Chains enhance scalability and foster seamless interoperability with EVM-based applications, significantly boosting the connectivity and utility of the Cardano network.

If implemented, this item can potentially unlock new revenue streams for Cardano SPOs and supercharge the ecosystem's growth by enabling scalable, cross-chain Partner Chains that enhance connectivity and interoperability across blockchain networks.




  1. Cardano Economic Growth | Cardano Network Effects

  2. Improving the scalability and interoperability of the network


Target State

To be added

Definition of Done

To be added

Product Stage

Alpha production

Functional Requirements

Mixed-resource security and block production Facilitate native cross-chain transactions at the consensus layer Reference chain with EVM execution environment

Non-functional Requirements

High scalability and performance. Robust security and fault tolerance. Seamless interoperability with existing Cardano infrastructure.

External Dependencies

Integration with Cardano network protocols - LibP2P. Compatibility with EVM-based applications and tools.

Communication Channel

Website, Github repository, Intersect TWG Discord channel, Videos

Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing

Two workstreams: security and cross-chain transactions. Each workstream is a large chunk of work with multiple sub-streams

Dependencies & Dependants




Security Review


Code Audit

Mandatory prior to production deployment of PCs

Community Endorsement


Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group

Yes, already formed TWG Partner Chains

Core Infrastructure


Item Champion

Karen Chang (Omer Husain, Nick Stanford)

ARN-1. Rust Node (Amaru)

Amaru is an open-source project that aims to build a new fully interoperable block-producing node for improving the overall performance the Cardano blockchain. The Amaru node provides a simplified entry point for building things on Cardano by using a modular design and Rust as its main coding language.

If implemented, this item aims to improving all the performance aspects of a Cardano node, enable less resources used for better performance and creating a modular design, giving the opportunity to tailor to the operator use case




Bringing diversity and operational resilience to Cardano Performance with no compromise regarding security Focusing on operator experience Resilience in all aspect of the design (Framework, Product, Teams contributing) Interoperability Adoption


Target State

Bloc producing node capability

Definition of Done

Various use case implemented Audited code base

Product Stage

BRL6 on the client aspects of the node: peer to peer and networking BRL5 on the relay mecanisms: consensus implementation and ledger rules BRL5 on the bloc production aspects of the node

Functional Requirements

Feature parity with the current Cardano node (Haskell) Compatibility with middlewares Testing environment capabilities

Non-functional Requirements

Modular architecture (able to customise the build you're running) Pre-built implementation

External Dependencies

Communication Channel

Indicative Sizing


Context of Indicative Sizing

Ongoing analysis - Rough estimate for a year : 9 FTE (7 Senior Dev; 1 Engineering Manager; 1 Product/Project manager) Testing infrastructure to be estimated

Hardfork (Yes,No, TBC)


Security Review


Code Audit


Community Endorsement

To be confirmed, currently participating: Blink labs, Cardano Foundation, dcSparks, Sundae Labs, Txpipe

Feasibility Study Required?


Reviewing Working Group


Core Infrastructure (Yes, No, TBC)


Item Champion

Giorgio Zinetti

Last updated