(22/4/24) Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2024


  • Alex Karpov

  • Ben Hart

  • Douglas

  • Erik Skogsberg

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Karen Wickham

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Nigel Hemsley

  • Silona Bonewald

  • Samuel Leathers


  1. Meeting norms: Be here. Trust the process. Listen to understand. Step back and step in. Seek progress over perfection.

  2. New members: Members encouraged to nominate experts to attend working group meetings through the #wg-backlog Discord channel. These experts can be invited in as temporary members for their technical advice and opinions.

  3. Backlog definition: Items on the backlog are not necessarily technical or product based. We can use the checklist from Silona’s open source material as a start to test the items.

  4. Working group comms: Updates from the meeting will be transparent from the get go. A clear channel will be provided for the community to raise suggestions.

  5. Tooling: We can start prototyping this week using xwiki to test out items on the backlog once its set up.

  6. Meeting outputs for every session team should agree what progress has been made and what work to take away for the next meeting.

Action Items

Last updated