7th August 2024

The session was run in the related miro board




Saman Michael Far


Lorenzo Bruno

Voting seat

Romain Pellerin

Voting seat

Mike Ward


  • Review context

  • Agree on the purpose and focus of the committee

  • Agree on the committee name

  • Agree on meeting cadence

  • Confirm roles and responsibilities

  • Agree on how to expand the committee


  • The group agreed the correct name for this committee is ‘Product Committee’ because it covers the strategy, vision, and roadmap

  • The group agreed for Saman Far to be the Chair (until committee elections), for Lorenzo Bruno to be Secretary, for Romain Pellerin and Mike Ward to be voting members

  • The group agreed on an initial definition of scope: Facilitate an open and transparent process with input from the community to create a Cardano vision and related roadmap (looking at Cardano as a product) as well as reporting on roadmap delivery progress: give to community transparency against the roadmap on a high level (to give confidence to the community their input is both accounted and executed on)

  • The group agreed on 3 key goals (in order of priority):

    • Next 6 months goals / outcomes, related to core of Cardano (delegate to core infra WG)

    • 2025 Cardano outcomes to achieve + suggested budget

    • 5year vision for Cardano

  • The group agreed to expand the initial committee group by:

    • Inviting CPO (or similar) from founding entities and key businesses on Cardano

    • Inviting other experts and SMEs

  • The group acknowledged Romain and Mike (representatives from IOG) intent to provide support for the bootstrapping of this committee and then to step down

  • The group agreed on a weekly meeting cadence once an initial group is formed

Outcomes & Recommendations


Last updated